The 2021 Kids!!!
S&F Farms Olivia
DOB: 10/13/21
Oreo and Pancho
DOB: 10/13/21
Oreo and Pancho
S&F Farms Nala
DOB: 10/13/21
Lea and Harvey
DOB: 10/13/21
Lea and Harvey
S&F Farms Fancy Boots
DOB: 10/10/21
Hope and Gibbs
DOB: 10/10/21
Hope and Gibbs
S&F Farms Abby
DOB: 10/9/21
Embers and Everett
DOB: 10/9/21
Embers and Everett
DOB: 10/9/21
Embers and Everett
DOB: 10/9/21
Embers and Everett
S&F Farms Harvey Jr
DOB: 10/8/21
Marsha and Harvey
DOB: 10/8/21
Marsha and Harvey
DOB: 10/8/21
Marsha and Harvey
DOB: 10/8/21
Marsha and Harvey
S&F Farms Harley's Hope
Harley and Roo
Harley and Roo
S&F Farms Harley's Hazel
Harley and Roo
Harley and Roo
S&F Farms Sweetpea
CC and Gibbs
CC and Gibbs
S&F Farms Brady the Goat
CC and Gibbs
CC and Gibbs
S&F Farms Betty
CC and Gibbs
CC and Gibbs
S&F Farms Maddie
CC and Gibbs
CC and Gibbs
S&F Farms Athena
Pansy and Dinozzo
Pansy and Dinozzo
S&F Farms Rosebud
Pansy and Dinozzo
Pansy and Dinozzo
Pansy and Dinozzo
Pansy and Dinozzo
S&F Farms Fern
DOB: 10/4/21
Ellie and Dinozzo
DOB: 10/4/21
Ellie and Dinozzo
Cocoa and Dinozzo
Cocoa and Dinozzo
S&F Farms Olaf
Cocoa and Dinozzo
Cocoa and Dinozzo
S&F Farms Tennessee
Poppy and McGee
Poppy and McGee
S&F Farms Nashville
Poppy and McGee
Poppy and McGee
LOHD1 (doeling)
disbudded, black with moonspots, doeling
DOB: 5/18/2021
Lovely & Harvey
disbudded, black with moonspots, doeling
DOB: 5/18/2021
Lovely & Harvey
LOHB1 (buckling)
disbudded, black with moonspots, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 5/18/2021
Lovely & Harvey
disbudded, black with moonspots, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 5/18/2021
Lovely & Harvey
SADB1 (buckling)
disbudded, buckskin, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/30/2021
Savannah & Dio
disbudded, buckskin, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/30/2021
Savannah & Dio
JEDB1 (buckling)
polled, tricolor, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/29/2021
Jetta & Dio
polled, tricolor, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/29/2021
Jetta & Dio
S&F Farms Bazooka's Bubble Gum
JEDD1 (Doeling)
black and white, blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 3/29/2021
Jetta & Dio
JEDD1 (Doeling)
black and white, blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 3/29/2021
Jetta & Dio
S&F Farms Magnolia
LUHD2 (Doeling)
polled, white tri color, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 3/19/2021
Lupe & Harvey
LUHD2 (Doeling)
polled, white tri color, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 3/19/2021
Lupe & Harvey
S&F Farms Calla Lily
LUHD1 (Doeling)
polled, tri color, blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 3/19/2021
Lupe & Harvey
LUHD1 (Doeling)
polled, tri color, blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 3/19/2021
Lupe & Harvey
S&F Farms Prairie Penny
ADD1 (Doeling)
polled, tri color, blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 3/18/2021
Audrey & Dio
ADD1 (Doeling)
polled, tri color, blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 3/18/2021
Audrey & Dio
S&F Farms Yucca
polled, white with black spots, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/18/2021
Audrey & Dio
polled, white with black spots, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/18/2021
Audrey & Dio
S&F Farms Bullwinkle
REDB1 (Buckling)
polled, white tricolor, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/11/2021
Rebecca & Dio
REDB1 (Buckling)
polled, white tricolor, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 3/11/2021
Rebecca & Dio
S&F Farms Rocky
RUDB1 (buckling)
disbudded, chocolate and white blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
RUDB1 (buckling)
disbudded, chocolate and white blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
RUDD3 (doeling)
polled, chocolate and white blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
polled, chocolate and white blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
S&F Farms Dahlia
RUDD2 (doeling)
polled, tricolor blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
RUDD2 (doeling)
polled, tricolor blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
RUDD1 (doeling)
disbudded, black and white blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
disbudded, black and white blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/27/21
Ruby and Dio
S&F Farms Stiles
BLDB1 (buckling)
polled, buckskin, blue eyed buckling
DOB 2/25/21
Blossom and Dio
BLDB1 (buckling)
polled, buckskin, blue eyed buckling
DOB 2/25/21
Blossom and Dio
S&F Farms Blossoming Buttercup
BLDD1 (doeling)
polled, apricot and white, blue eyed doeling
DOB 2/25/21
Blossom and Dio
BLDD1 (doeling)
polled, apricot and white, blue eyed doeling
DOB 2/25/21
Blossom and Dio
S&F Farms Aaron
HRB1 (buckling)
polled, apricot and white, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/25/21
Hope and Rodger
HRB1 (buckling)
polled, apricot and white, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/25/21
Hope and Rodger
S&F Farms Bronco
BEDB1 (buckling)
polled, tri colored, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
BEDB1 (buckling)
polled, tri colored, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
S&F Farms Bluebell
BEDD3 (doeling)
disbudded, black and white blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
BEDD3 (doeling)
disbudded, black and white blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
S&F Farms Sassy Boots
BEDD2 (doeling)
disbudded, tricolor blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
BEDD2 (doeling)
disbudded, tricolor blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
S&F Farms Pheobe
BEDD1 (doeling)
disbudded, buckskin blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
BEDD1 (doeling)
disbudded, buckskin blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/24/21
Beatrice & Dio
JDB2 (Buckling)
disbudded, white tri color blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/24/21
Julie and Dio
disbudded, white tri color blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/24/21
Julie and Dio
S&F Farms ???
JDB1 (Buckling)
polled, tri color blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/24/21
Julie and Dio
JDB1 (Buckling)
polled, tri color blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/24/21
Julie and Dio
S&F Farms San Joaquin Willow
BRB2 (buckling)
disbudded, black and white brown eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/23/21
Bandit & Rodger
BRB2 (buckling)
disbudded, black and white brown eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/23/21
Bandit & Rodger
S&F Farms Jeffery Pine
BRB1 (buckling)
disbudded, chocolate, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/23/21
Bandit & Rodger
BRB1 (buckling)
disbudded, chocolate, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/23/21
Bandit & Rodger
S&F Farms Moonlight Sky
BRD1 (doeling)
disbudded, dark roan, brown eyed doeling
DOB: 2/23/21
Bandit & Rodger
BRD1 (doeling)
disbudded, dark roan, brown eyed doeling
DOB: 2/23/21
Bandit & Rodger
S&F Farms Giddian
CDB4 (Buckling)
polled, black and white, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
CDB4 (Buckling)
polled, black and white, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
S&F Farms Bucky
CDB3 (Buckling)
polled, white with tricolored head, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
CDB3 (Buckling)
polled, white with tricolored head, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
S&F Farms Tucker Oak
CDB2 (Buckling)
polled, white with black spots, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
CDB2 (Buckling)
polled, white with black spots, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
S&F Farms ???
CDB1 (Buckling)
polled, buckskin, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
CDB1 (Buckling)
polled, buckskin, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/19/2021
CC & Dio
S&F Farms Delilah
PRD2 (Doeling)
polled, chocolate with white tail, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/18/2021
Poppy & Rodger
PRD2 (Doeling)
polled, chocolate with white tail, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/18/2021
Poppy & Rodger
S&F Farms Hannah
PRD1 (Doeling)
polled, golden and white highlights, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/18/2021
Poppy & Rodger
PRD1 (Doeling)
polled, golden and white highlights, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/18/2021
Poppy & Rodger
S&F Farms Auro
LDB3 (Buckling)
polled, apricot and white, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
LDB3 (Buckling)
polled, apricot and white, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
S&F Farms Honey Mesquite
disbudded, white with some apricot highlights, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
disbudded, white with some apricot highlights, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
S&F Farms Choco Dio Rio
LDB1 (Buckling)
polled,chocolate with white poll and tail, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
LDB1 (Buckling)
polled,chocolate with white poll and tail, blue eyed buckling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
S&F Farms Lisianthus
LDD1 (doeling)
disbudded, black with some white, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
LDD1 (doeling)
disbudded, black with some white, blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/16/2021
Lea & Dio
S&F Farms Buckeye
HRB1 (buckling)
disbudded, white and black with brown eyed buckling
DOB: 2/14/2021
Harley & Rodger
HRB1 (buckling)
disbudded, white and black with brown eyed buckling
DOB: 2/14/2021
Harley & Rodger
S&F Farms Buttercup
PDD2 (doeling)
polled, tricolored with blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 2/12/2021
Pansy & Dio
PDD2 (doeling)
polled, tricolored with blue eyed, doeling
DOB: 2/12/2021
Pansy & Dio
S&F Farms Arya Delta
PDD1 (Doeling)
polled, tricolored with blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/12/2021
Pansy & Dio
PDD1 (Doeling)
polled, tricolored with blue eyed doeling
DOB: 2/12/2021
Pansy & Dio
S&F Farms Spencer
PDB1 (Buckling)
polled, black with white poll, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/12/2021
Pansy & Dio
PDB1 (Buckling)
polled, black with white poll, blue eyed, buckling
DOB: 2/12/2021
Pansy & Dio